Phoenix, AZ and

Kansas City, KS


Phoenix, AZ and

Kansas City, KS


Home Modifications

We Help Ease Worry About Aging at Home

Our team of experienced Occupational Therapists conduct a comprehensive assessment of your home, and provide recommendations and oversight on any modification projects.

If you have any questions or want to schedule an appointment with one of our therapists, please call 480-428-4766 today.

Our Process: 

1. Schedule a home assessment with one of our expert Occupational Therapists

2. Receive a safety score with recommendations, including same-day, low-cost solutions

3. Engage in safety project planning with clinician and contractor

Home Assessment Outcomes:

Reduces: Healthcare Costs, Hospital Re-admissions, Health Decline, Falls and Depression

Improves: Quality of Life, Caregiver Efficiency and Independence 

Why Choose Us:

Our home assessments are clinically guided by an Occupational Therapist specially trained in fall prevention and the home environment. We are different because we look at both the living space AND how the person functions within that space (and therefore address multiple avenues for improving safety and function).

We partner with trusted contractors for installation and to complete recommended modifications.

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