Phoenix, AZ and

Kansas City, KS


Phoenix, AZ and

Kansas City, KS


In Home Services

We provide a variety of services for both patients and caregivers. We serve older adults who want to stay independent, safe, and healthy in their own homes.

Physical & Occupational Therapy

Let us bring therapy to you where you're comfortable and things feel natural!

Home Safety Assessments and Home Modifications

Imagine a safer, more functional, yet still asthetically beautiful home!

Caregiver Education & Training

Let us help you conquer overwhelm and burnout!

Do you or a loved one struggle with any of the challenges below?

We can help!

Physical Status

Balance issues

Recent surgery

Recent injury

Trouble living with chronic issues

Low strength

Low Vision


Mobility challenges

Cognitive Status

Memory issues


Lacks critical thinking

Lacks problem solving ability

Frequently repeats himself/herself

Environmental Status

Cluttered or busy living environment

Worried about falling

Things are hard to access

You don't like how things look 

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